Up to Traveller
Top 10 things to know about classic Traveller
A few things that I hope will help prepare players for classic Traveller
games I might referee.
Some of these are--paraphrased by me--from a thread in the Citizens of the
Imperium-Classic Traveller forum where I asked for the top 10 things to tell
players new to Traveller. In these cases, I’ve tried to credit the
poster’s username in parentheses. Some other bits have been borrowed
from farfuture.net and other sources.
- Accomplished characters: Your character will likely be
older & retired from his first career.
- Minimal character stats: Don’t expect high
numbers & lots of skills on your character sheet.
- In-game character development: Don’t expect the
numbers on your character sheet to get higher or list of skills to get
longer. Character advancement is limited. The rewards (& penalties)
are all in-game.
- Science-fiction: It’s a science fiction game,
which tends to run heavy on the “science” as well as the
“fiction”. (signless)
- Human dominated: Aliens are everywhere, but many of
them are human. (Malenfant)
- 1970s sci-fi technology: This game was written in the
1970s, so it has a 1970s (sci-fi) view of technology. Anachronic & I
like it that way.
- Communication = travel: The fastest you can get
information somewhere is in a ship. A ship takes at least a week to get
- Slug-throwers: High tech weapons exist, but low tech
weapons predominate. Laser weapons are bulky. Plasma weapons are limited
to the military.
- Combat is fatal: Getting shot hurts. Getting shot
twice is usually fatal. (Aramis) Tactical advice:Hit the deck. Get behind
cover. Call for backup. Murphy’s laws of combat apply.
- PCs matter to players, but not to the rest of the Traveller universe.
The creator of Traveller, Marc W. Miller, is fond of saying:
- Everything is driven by economics.
That principle is certainly within the spirit of the rules. How much I
manage to make it apply to a game I ref, I can’t say.
A few points about technology conceits.
- Fusion power is cheap & effective.
- Gravitics: the science of gravity manipulation. Both
anti-gravity & artificial gravity. Spaceships have artificial
gravity. Most planetary vehicles are anti-gravity.
- Reactionless drives allow extended accelleration
without the need for reaction mass. Spaceships are rated by the maximum
accelleration they can produce in Gs, one to six. (A G
being, of course, the accelleration due to gravity on Earth at sea-level.
i.e. 9.8 m/s2.)
- Jump drives allow FTL (faster than light) travel
through jumpspace (hyperspace). A starship is rated by the
number of parsecs it can travel in one jump, one to six. (A parsec is
3.258 light-years.) Every jump lasts one week regardless of the distance
travelled. Incidentally, interstellar space is only two-dimensional.
(Although some like to rationalize it by saying the jump map is
The following points apply to the OTU (original Traveller universe) &
may or may not apply IMTU (in my Traveller universe). (Mainly there here to
remind me to think about how they apply or don’t apply to MTU.)
- The Imperium is a government of men, not laws, and it rules space.
Planets rule themselves.
- Commerce is the lifeblood of the Imperium. Don’t get in the way
of the Imperium’s lifeblood.
- There is no Prime Directive. If you think you’re smarter than
the natives, trade with them.
The Traveller game in all forms is owned by Far
Future Enterprises. Copyright 1977-2004 Far Future Enterprises.